Sweet Movie - Unlimited Movie Download Sites
Sweet Movie- To begin, this movie has a great beginning; it pulled me right into it.This is something not usually seen in movies of this type, so it makes it an unusual, yet pleasant experience.The action scenes are really great. Carole Laure played his role great. Pierre Clmenti actually caught my interest.
I think Carole Laure and Pierre Clmenti worked wonderful in Sweet Movie. The great supporting cast includes Carole Laure, Pierre Clmenti, Anna Prucnal, Sami Frey, Jane Mallett.
All in all, I would rate this movie an 8.5/10. I would definitely watch this movie again.
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I left some information, immages, and video previews of Sweet Movie below.
Summary of Sweet Movie:
Pushing his themes of sexual liberation to their boiling point, Yugoslavian art-house provocateur Dusan Makavejev followed his international sensation WR: Mysteries of the Organism with this full-throated shriek in the face of bourgeois complacency and movie watching. Sweet Movie tackles the limits of personal and political freedom with kaleidoscopic feverishness, shuttling viewers from a gynecological beauty pageant to a grotesque food orgy with scatological, taboo-shattering glee. With its lewd abandon and sketch-comedy perversity, Sweet Movie became both a cult staple and an exemplar of the envelope pushing of 1970s cinema.
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You can get Sweet Movie at www.Amazon.com as well.
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