Cheaper By the Dozen - Free Movie Clips
Wow! I really loved the movie Cheaper By the Dozen. The movie is absolutely stunning with top-notch graphics and visuals while Clifton Webb deliver some award-winning performances in this movie. I also think Jeanne Crain was great! The visuals and graphics make for some very realistic on screen special-effects but that is the beauty of the movie.When the movie wants to be funny it is funny, the same is true for when the movie needs to deliver its scary aspects.
I think Clifton Webb and Jeanne Crain worked wonderful in Cheaper By the Dozen. The great supporting cast includes Clifton Webb, Jeanne Crain, Myrna Loy, Betty Lynn, Edgar Buchanan.
You should see it, make no mistake this is a definite blockbuster!
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I left some information, immages, and video previews of Cheaper By the Dozen below.
Summary of Cheaper By the Dozen:
This colorful depiction of life in a family of 12 children stars Clifton Webb as Frank Bunker Gilbreth, an eccentric father who prides himself on some truly unorthodox child-rearing methods. Based on the bestseller by two children of the real Mr. Gilbreth, this charming film co-starring Myrna Loy is "alive with big laughs" (Los Angeles Times).
Narrated by the oldest daughter (Jeanne Crain), the story follows a series of family crises over the years: from how the children over-whelmed their new school's administration office, to the time they threw a hospital into chaos when they arrived for a mass tonsillectomy. There's even a memorable encounter with a birth control advocate. Simultaneously hilarious and sentimental, "Cheaper by the Dozen is a family comedy in the truest sense.
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